Welcome to Lighthouse Financials
As of now, you are no longer alone.
I am a financial coach dedicated to helping you figure out what to do next.
Despite how it may feel, struggling with money doesn’t mean you’re failing.
According to the Pew Research Center, about 79% of Americans are NOT confident they know how to:
Make a budget
Make a plan to get out of debt
Save money
Most Americans don’t have a good understanding of compounding interest and how that affects their debt.
These are things that used to be taught in high school, but not anymore.
The result is millions of adults feeling like they’re stumbling around in the dark, struggling to figure out their personal finances as they go.
That’s where Lighthouse Financials comes in.
My goal is to help you get to a point where your finances are no longer a stressful topic for you.
Step One
It all starts with a free 15-20 minute phone call. This gives you a chance to get to know me, and talk about what you’re struggling with and what financial success means to you.
There’s no obligation to talk.
Step Two
If my services are a good fit, we’ll schedule a time to do a deep dive into your situation.
Together, we’ll craft a tailor made strategy to move you towards your financial goals.
Whether you’re trying to get out of crippling debt or save up for a big purchase, we will come up with a plan to get you there.
And Beyond…
Think of it like going to the gym. Nobody expects a perfect beach body after one workout. But not everybody needs a trainer, either.
Personal finances are no different. Establishing new financial habits and sticking with them long enough to really see a payoff takes time, discipline and a little know-how.
If you feel confident after one sit-down that you can keep yourself going in a good direction, that’s awesome!
But I am also available for ongoing check-ins and course corrections if that’s what you feel like you need.
And remember: anyone trying to sell you a quick fix to your financial situation is probably trying to scam you!